Sunday, 8 June 2008

How to use Adobe Photoshop to Smoothen Skin

Step 11
Set the Source option to “Sampled” and be sure to have selected the “Aligned” check box that follows (this option allows you to have a source area that follows the mouse cursor when you select an area on the picture).

Figure 11.

Step 12
Here is how the “Aligned” option works: let us assume you have selected an area in the image as source. When you click in the picture to remove a blemish, the program remembers the distance it first used (between the source and the removed blemish) and it will use the same distance (calculated in pixels) and the same angle the next time you use the “Healing Brush Tool” to remove another blemish. Using the “Aligned” setting allows you to take samples for the retouch from nearby, so the final outcome will look more natural.

Figure 12.

Step 13
There is one more check box you need to enable: “Use All Layers” (having it enabled means that the source can be from different layers as well and not necessarily the same layer you are working on). In the same time, the result of this action will take effect on the active layer (in this case, the layer entitled “Blemishes”).

Figure 13.

Step 14
Now get back to the beginning of the Healing Brush Tool’s option bar and you will notice a small black triangle. By clicking it, you will have access to other settings for the selected brush.

Figure 14.

Step 15
In the window that has appeared once you clicked the little triangle go ahead and set the brush’s size to a value around 20 (18 or 19 are also good depending on your picture). Also, select “soft edges” (so the corrections will be finely done) and a Hardness value of 0%.

Figure 15.

Step 16
Before starting to eliminate the blemishes from the image, you must select the source area. It is best if you select a different source area for each blemish you want to cut out. In order to mark the source area, move the cursor next to an area you can use as source and hold down the Alt button while pressing the left mouse button.

Figure 16।


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