Tuesday, 24 March 2009

Starburst Effect

What is a Starburst? I also confused to them. Starburst is the main effect of such sparkling lights, stars or heating effect.
How do I create one? very simple ..!

First create a new document as follows:

Then make the box a rectangle marquee tool in the new layer, give color to the color are. (I'm a Black color)

pressing ALT + SHIFT, Drag / drag while on the click box before the picture to the right, then the box will slide to the right and is automatically duplicated.

after a lot of box... Now click the top layer ... and press CTRL + E a few times, so all the black box is a merge on one layer.

When the boxs still less, please repeat step before duplication ...

Click Filter> Distrort> Polar Coordinate

The result:

Starburst this can be made into 3D. making the initial use the Gradient tool

Repeat steps duplication:

after the polar Coordinate:

Good one ... Happy Testing!

The effect is usually to make this Starburst Poster... as below: