Saturday, 28 February 2009

Gold Text Effect

Design text sometimes useful to create a design, which can create more beautiful design. Following tips to make gold with a simple text effect using the Blending option, just one times to open Blending ...

Open a new document with the size of the image, such as:


Write a text that will be created in gold

Right-click the text layer> Blending option double click on the text layer .. select color overlay


Don't clik Ok ... now click on Bevel and emboss. Setting such as image:


Click the contour in the current sub-Bevel & emboss, setting such as a picture:


Select again to make a drop shadow behind the shadow of the text as though stick


The result is like this:

Please try

Resource : Sigit,

Wednesday, 11 February 2009

Make a simple Bubble

Open a new document with size as the image below

Create gradient and Find the color from white to light blue and in order to set the blue color more dominant.

Make a circle with the elliptical marquee tool (note: press SHIFT while you get a circle to its fully rounded)

Create a new layer and use the Brush tool with size 100

Its color with the brush tool before each side of the circle. And give the middle a little color though appear more realistic.

When plasticity is realistic, now press CTRL + A to duplicate layer circle. Then pull the line for the top to bottom to create a shadow.

Now set the layer Opacity just become 50% or 30%. Remove a half circle of the bottom.

In fact this is finish, but can make so great such as this.

Please try